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Title: https://www.weldingsuppliesdirect.co.uk/welding-equipment/cp7-cp47-gas-equipment-safety-inspections.html
URL: https://www.weldingsuppliesdirect.co.uk/welding-equipment/cp7-cp47-gas-equipment-safety-inspections.html
Description: It is specified within the BCGA CP7 document, Gas cutting and welding equipment should be maintained under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations, and detailed in the Health and Safety at work act 1974 equipment should be “Suitable for use” “maintained” and “Inspected". It is legally required that all gas equipment used in the workplace environment is in safe condition. All apparatus has to be well maintained and regularly inspected. As an employer or employee, it is essential that you understand your obligations. It is also Necessary that you comply with them. Our Trained BCGA CP7/CP47 Inspectors would carry out thorough checks on your portable gas equipment. We would in all Cases supply a detailed report of the test. This gives you, written evidence that you are completely complying with the Health and Safety Executives requirements. A certificate is issued when the equipment is compliant with current BCGA CP7/CP47 regulations. Our inspections are all conducted by Trained and qualified inspectors, and include: A full equipment inspection to meet your legal requirements and industry code of practice An up to date risk assessment of your full working area A full report on equipment condition and a certificate of inspection A visual and function check of Gas Regulators, Flashback Arrestors, Hoses and Torches Advice on the storage and handling of equipment and gas cylinders